Monday, March 23, 2009

Expect the Unexpected.

Oy!  My little one's been sick and I've gotten buried under work as a result.  Thinking I'm finally making my way out.  

Lots to talk about!  Education speeches, some stories from local schools, and more.  Hoping to get up and running again this week.  Thanks for sticking around!

In the meantime...Twitter.  I tried to get into it but it's not catching on for me just yet.  Not sure why yet.  Lack of a functional cell phone?  Too time consuming?  Maybe just because I'm long-winded and 140 characters is awfully constricting.  But some interesting uses of it nonetheless: Job searching. Police keeping people updated on local crimes.  And the coolest: Getting a peek inside brain surgery.  


  1. My twitter feed has one message: "Don't follow me on Twitter. If I am doing something of interest that I want to share, I will let you know." For some reason, I still have 2 followers.

  2. I know! I posted all of ten-ish messages, and continued to get followers long after I stopped. I would have thought I had made it apparent that I was boring. Weirdest of all is that Karl Rove, Chris Dodd, and Arnold Schwarzenegger are all following me. ;)

  3. Hi HIlary, Well, just thought I'd stop by and say hi and let you know that because of you and Billy, I've started my own Blog.

    I'm not sure how it will work. My idea is to have a place where the students from my Solo Vocal Lit class can continue discussions we start in class but mainly a place to discuss performances of any kind. If I had had Youtube as a young performer, I would have been all over it.

    Just thought you'd like to know you've influenced this voice teacher who teaches at a university and never dreamed she'd be using technology like this. You've inspired me. Sure hope J. is feeling better.
    Thanks, GftB

  4. Twitter ? I've just learned how to post a blog. Can you slow this down for us old folks......


  5. GFTB! I'm thrilled to hear that! Let me know how it goes!

    And Jock, I think you're quicker than you let on! I saw you use the word widget in one of those posts of your's! ;) (Took me ages to even hear the word, let alone figure out what it was.)

    I kept imagining it in the same vague category as "gadgets" and "thing-a-ma-jigs."
